Sunday, February 19, 2006
Reminders for SEASON 6 - 8on8
Topics covered last Team captains meeting February 15 wednesday:
- No pay No play policy. Deadline - March 11, 2006.
- Membership Fees still need to be paid.
- No insurance required but All players must sign a waiver
- Mepz field is the venue for 8on8
- Team Captains & 2 players must attend at least 1 of the referee and downfield
blocking seminars at SVD on Feb 25 and March 4 9am-12pm. A test will be
given. To be accredited the players must PASS the test. P1,000 to have a
special seminar if you dont attend the scheduled ones. P500 fine to be
deducted from your team bond for failing to have at least 6 refs for your
scheduled games.
- Lapu Lapu City Government will sponsor the CFFL membership cards. Please
email me your rosters by no later than March 6 so I can have them ready.
- 3 Offensive Linemen who are ineligible to receive. Offense may or may not have
a Tight End.
- Defense must have 3 defensive linemen in a 3 point stance at the snap.
1 Defensive lineman may drop back for coverage as long as he's not the
one in the middle.
- I will email all the documents you need this week as soon as kyle get's
em to me. ( Team Sponsorship letters, Final Ground Rules, Violations and
appropriate penalties, Team Roster Forms, Liability forms etc...)
- Downfield blocking up to 7 yards. Penalty for blocking after 7 yards ( - 5 yards from spot of foul)
- Females voted 4 -1 to have downfield blocking.
- Registration - Mens P8,000 Womens P2,000.
New teams - Mens P4,000 Womens FREE.
Bond - P2,000.
- Dennis will be the editor for our blog. It will be updated weekly with stats and
recaps of individual games. We need volunteers who would like to be regular
contributors to the blog. If you are interested please let me know.
- I've assigned maricar and kitchie to organize the kickoff party.
- Kickoff party - March 11, 2006 Saturday at Portofino or Coral Reef.
1PM. Beach Concert. Venue and time are tentative. We expect everyone
there! ( if you or your band would like to perform for free you are more than welcome to. please inform us before hand )
- CFFL BLOG - (spread the word! we will update this regularly. Post comments et...)
Confirmed teams with their corresponding colors are :
1) Sharks - Black / Gold
2) Pink Flamingos - Pink
3) Rebels - Red
4) Superman -
5) Lycans -
6) Piranhas -
7) Game Cocks -
8) MOB -
1) Sharkettes - Black / Gold / White
2) Alpha - Green ?
3) Superwomen -
4) Female Chargers - Green
5) Baby MOBs
6) Dark Angels - Dark blue / white?
If your team color is blank or need any changes please inform me so I can send the updated list of team colors to all team captains next week. New teams are still trying to figure out what colors they want.
You do not need two uniforms. But if you will have only 1 please clear the color with me or the council (and inform me) so we will not have duplicating colors.
Please email me your Team Logo's.
- No pay No play policy. Deadline - March 11, 2006.
- Membership Fees still need to be paid.
- No insurance required but All players must sign a waiver
- Mepz field is the venue for 8on8
- Team Captains & 2 players must attend at least 1 of the referee and downfield
blocking seminars at SVD on Feb 25 and March 4 9am-12pm. A test will be
given. To be accredited the players must PASS the test. P1,000 to have a
special seminar if you dont attend the scheduled ones. P500 fine to be
deducted from your team bond for failing to have at least 6 refs for your
scheduled games.
- Lapu Lapu City Government will sponsor the CFFL membership cards. Please
email me your rosters by no later than March 6 so I can have them ready.
- 3 Offensive Linemen who are ineligible to receive. Offense may or may not have
a Tight End.
- Defense must have 3 defensive linemen in a 3 point stance at the snap.
1 Defensive lineman may drop back for coverage as long as he's not the
one in the middle.
- I will email all the documents you need this week as soon as kyle get's
em to me. ( Team Sponsorship letters, Final Ground Rules, Violations and
appropriate penalties, Team Roster Forms, Liability forms etc...)
- Downfield blocking up to 7 yards. Penalty for blocking after 7 yards ( - 5 yards from spot of foul)
- Females voted 4 -1 to have downfield blocking.
- Registration - Mens P8,000 Womens P2,000.
New teams - Mens P4,000 Womens FREE.
Bond - P2,000.
- Dennis will be the editor for our blog. It will be updated weekly with stats and
recaps of individual games. We need volunteers who would like to be regular
contributors to the blog. If you are interested please let me know.
- I've assigned maricar and kitchie to organize the kickoff party.
- Kickoff party - March 11, 2006 Saturday at Portofino or Coral Reef.
1PM. Beach Concert. Venue and time are tentative. We expect everyone
there! ( if you or your band would like to perform for free you are more than welcome to. please inform us before hand )
- CFFL BLOG - (spread the word! we will update this regularly. Post comments et...)
Confirmed teams with their corresponding colors are :
1) Sharks - Black / Gold
2) Pink Flamingos - Pink
3) Rebels - Red
4) Superman -
5) Lycans -
6) Piranhas -
7) Game Cocks -
8) MOB -
1) Sharkettes - Black / Gold / White
2) Alpha - Green ?
3) Superwomen -
4) Female Chargers - Green
5) Baby MOBs
6) Dark Angels - Dark blue / white?
If your team color is blank or need any changes please inform me so I can send the updated list of team colors to all team captains next week. New teams are still trying to figure out what colors they want.
You do not need two uniforms. But if you will have only 1 please clear the color with me or the council (and inform me) so we will not have duplicating colors.
Please email me your Team Logo's.
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